Please, make sure that your answer contributes information that is not among existing answers.parse_query_string will fail for values that contain '=', like when passing a base64 encoded value as value. If you are using the GET method, you are limited to a maximum of 2,048 characters, minus the number of characters in the actual path. I agree with you. For my purposes better than the other accepted solutionVery nice, it also works using instead of window.location.href@pdxbmw It is useless and should be removed. your coworkers to find and share information. My original answer was not properly using URLSearchParams, as it's only designed to work with the querystring portion of the URL.+1 great solution - elegant, efficient and intelligent is terms of usage. Added an edit to it to take into account the edge case of parameters with no values. Leaving the function like this What about URL-decoding the parameter names and values? Using URL parameters is probably the easiest way of passing variables from one webpage to the other.

@ZiTAL This function is to be used with the query part of a URL, not the entire URL. your coworkers to find and share information. @Jamland — Absolutely do not do that. Before you post a new answer, consider there are already 50+ answers for this question. @Markouver Isn't the polyfill take care of that? It will break things. – nicolaslara May 27 '14 at 10:35 3 @DeanMeehan awesome if it "just works" but I would not say that it is a simple solution considering the readability of regex expressions – Adrien Be Oct 30 '14 at 14:59 Edited the answer..replace("+", " ") will only replace the first occurrence You need to use .replace(/\+/g, " ");Copied from your other post: "Requires the url plugin :"Nice solution, but if the parameter is not found, the whole string is returned.

Improvements: Use @Leif suggestion worked great. You can gain more precision and allow any order of parameters by prepending with According to the MDN link(s) Safari support URL but not URLSearchParams. @DeanMeehan awesome if it "just works" but I would not say that it is a simple solution considering the readability of regex expressionsDoes this work if there is a hash tag in the URI? But you can also get query string parameters from URL to client-side. Code running in a (modern) browser you can use the For older browsers (including Internet Explorer), you can use You can get the query string from the URL of the current page with:Most implementations I've seen miss out URL-decoding the names and the values.Here's a general utility function that also does proper URL-decoding:if "myParam" exists in the URL... variable myParam will contain "2", otherwise it will be undefined.And it works right even when URL is full of parameters.Browsers vendors have implemented a native way to do this via URL and URLSearchParams.Currently supported in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and Edge. This is an example of the type of thing in javascript that turns me off to the language. I find it simpler to ensure cross-browser compatibility using jQuery across the board rather than plugging in individual fixes to support whichever new functions aren't supported in older browsers.Edit: After I wrote this I noticed Eric Elliott's answer, which is almost the same, though it uses forEach, while I'm generally against (for reasons stated above).You can assign the URL tokens to your own variable:You can also simply refer to a a token name from the function directly:Let's create an object containing URL param names as keys, then we can easily extract the parameter by its name:I had the need to read a URL GET variable and complete an action based on the url parameter.

The version using regular expresion below is works better. I was getting in an ID 142# because at the end of the URL was the # generated on a button click. Not only do we grab parameter values but we also modify them dynamically with the History API, so these […]

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