The overall tone of the film is an optimistic view of the sheer heroism of simply flying in one of these bombers. Ex.

The UK cinema version was rated 12, and was uncut. Not a trick is missed - not even the faithful dog lifting its loyal head from the grass when a missing plane finds its way back to base. She is maintained and run by volunteers and relies solely upon donations.

Dans le film, les chasseurs d'escorte américains sont des Les scènes au sol ont été tournées pour l'essentiel sur une ancienne base de la Royal Air Force à Binbrook dans le Lincolnshire. In 1943, the crew of a B-17 based in UK prepares for its 25th and last bombing mission over Germany before returning home to the USA.

Only the navigator is really a nervous wreck for most of the mission, but everyone has moments of terror in the film. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Achat à partir de This is entertaining for what it is, but if you're looking for facts of the plane's mission, watch a documentary of read books on the subject. Memphis Belle - A Fortaleza Voadora
Directed by Michael Caton-Jones. À certaines séquences telles que le lâcher de bombes par un grand nombre d'appareils. M6 et France 2 le complètent... The film, Memphis Belle captures some good drama on and off the ground. I personally feel that if the film would have been more accurate, this film could really have been a great War film. Pour le bombardier, voir

They aren't really portraying one bomber crew, but it's more a composite of the many very young men that risked and gave their lives on these missions.

By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers.They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating.They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. June 24, 2006 perso j'adore c de loin le meilleur film sur la seconde guerre mondiale ! The video release was rated PG, and removed the use of "all fucked up". Despite taking many liberties with the reality of the actual plane and crew, Memphis Belle is a relatively good film with some good acting and tense situations. Il n'y a que moi qui ai remarqué le réalisme impressionant du film ??

Les membres de notre rédaction vous indiquent les films à voir ou ne pas voir....Mardi soir, TF1 a pris la première place du podium des audiences avec le film français "Le Placard". Un membre d'équipage est grièvement blessé, et celui qui se prétendait docteur doit avouer qu'il n'a que quelques notions de médecine. Et je crois que le film a été un bide !

L'équipage quitte l'avion indemne (sauf le blessé qui est emmené à l'hôpital), chacun ayant pris confiance dans les autres.

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| Its moral fabric is thinner than that of other David Puttnam productions.

SYNOPSIS ET DÉTAILS DU FILM - Quelle est l'histoire de "Memphis Belle"? Un film documentaire d'une durée de 45 min qui a été réalisé en 1944 par William Wyler, relatant les vingt-cinq missions et le retour de l'avion aux États-Unis.

Les divers dangers des missions sont bien exposés, comme le simple risque de collision par météo nuageuse.
Seconde Guerre mondiale

Suivre son activité In 1943, the crew of a B-17 based in UK prepares for its 25th and last bombing mission over Germany before returning home to the USA. Publiée le 7 octobre 2012 13 November 2005 | Missileman1 It was also a career starter for a number of young actors. Equipe / Equipage de January 1, 2000 PG-13 (adult situations/language, violence) We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account.

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