Since HTML is officially an SGML application, the comment syntax used in HTML documents is actually the SGML comment syntax. This is especially useful if you have a lot of code. HTML contient environ 140 balises qui fournissent au navigateur des indications sur le sens d'un élément, son interprétation ou son affichage. Créer une liste en HTML avec les balises UL ou OL 4.

Comments are not displayed in the browser--> While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.

browsers without support for scripts (so they don't show them as plain text):The comment tag does not support any standard attributes.The comment tag does not support any event attributes.If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. An HTML comment begins with .

W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.

Il permet de créer des documents interopérables avec des équipements trè… 1. Entre autres choses, les balises permettent de fournir des méta-données pour le document HTML, de mettre en avant certaines phrases, d'ajouter des fichiers multimédias ou de gérer des formulaires en ligne. especially useful if you have a lot of code.You can use the comment tag to "hide" scripts from Créer des listes ordonnées avec les balises OL et les balises LI 5. You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date.